Rudy Giuliani Gets A Serving Of Public Humiliation For His Birthday

New York HAAAAAATES Rudy Giuliani.

(Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

Now that Rudy Giuliani has slipped into the twilight of his career styled as presidential lap dog with substandard legal knowledge, it is easy to forget that he used to be really popular.

A Republican mayor may seem like a poor fit with ultra-liberal New York City, but, they still let Staten Islanders vote, plus when he was in office, he was pro-choice, supported same-sex civil unions, and was in favor of stem cell research. Even those who (rightly) had a problem with his fascist tendencies that were credited with economic prosperity and a decrease in crime applauded his post-9/11 leadership. When NYC needed a mayor, he stepped up. But, alas, the goodwill created by a national tragedy is not an infinite resource, and it will run out if squandered.

And that’s exactly what Giuliani has done. Seemingly more interested in his Fox News appearances than the people of the city he once ran or any concept as ephemeral as “truth” or “justice,” he has spouted crazy legal theories in support of… whatever Donald Trump wants. From the early days of administration and their repeated attempts to institute a travel ban able to stand up to constitutional muster to the more recent screeds about the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller.

And New Yorkers — they’ve just about had it with this guy.

Giuliani attended a Yankees game this weekend to celebrate his 74th birthday. When the stadium announced the former mayor was celebrating at the stadium, by all accounts, it… didn’t go as planned.


Giuliani’s love of baseball — and specifically the Yankees — was once a quality that endeared him to the people of New York. Now the people are using that love against him in a feat of public humiliation, and you thought getting thrown under the bus by your Biglaw firm was embarrassing.

My oh my, the schadenfreude feels good.


headshotKathryn Rubino is an editor at Above the Law. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).