
Trump Rage Tweets About Jeff Sessions (Again), Which (Again) Gaslights The Facts About Sessions’s Recusal

As usual, Trump's entire theory of the case, on Twitter, requires an alternate reality to exist.

President Donald Trump

I have no evidence to support this, but I have a theory about the current Tweetstorm Trump just went on. My theory is that Trump was watching Fox News and saw Trey Gowdy totally debunk Trump’s “spygate” disinformation. This sent Trump into some kind of blood rage. He probably threw all of his McDonald’s boxes at the screen, then passed out in a pool of his own spittle.

This morning, Trump woke up intent on humiliating Gowdy’s wife, since Trump is the kind of coward whose first thought is to go after people’s families. But then, John Kelly went upstairs to the residence to read Trump the news and wipe his bottom. Kelly told Trump that Gowdy continued on Fox to defend Trump’s attempts to force Jeff Sessions to un-recuse himself.

Armed with this information, Trump immediately whipped out his unsecured BlackBerry and took to Twitter. That’s just my theory for what happened behind the Trumpstorm this morning:

The fiction that Jeff Sessions should have told Trump he’d recuse himself from the Russia investigation so Trump could pick somebody else has been so wholly adopted by Trump supporters that the most important fact about Sessions’s recusal has been gaslit out of existence:


Sure, Sessions says that the reason he recused himself is because he worked with Russians during the campaign… and that is in fact a good reason for recusal. But the pressure to recuse came hard after Sessions went so far as to lie to the Senate about those very Russian contacts during the campaign.

Sessions COULD NOT HAVE TOLD Trump that he intended to recuse himself, because he DIDN’T INTEND TO, until he got caught lying. Trump’s entire line of argument REQUIRES TIME TRAVEL in order to be relevant.

If he’s pissed at Sessions, he should have withdrawn his nomination after Sessions lied… WHICH EVERY NON-RACIST TOLD HIM TO DO ANYWAY.

Sorry for shouting. It’s just very frustrating to live in the era of Trump and yet still have the power of MEMORY.

Elie Mystal is the Executive Editor of Above the Law and the Legal Editor for More Perfect. He can be reached @ElieNYC on Twitter, or at [email protected]. He will resist.