We Have Video Of A Courtroom Brawl Today -- See Also

WELL, IT'S MORE LIKE A COURTROOM FRACAS: Still, any time defendants start punching their lawyer after a conviction, it's worth seeing. ELITE LAW SCHOOLS BAND TOGETHER AND DEMAND DECENCY FROM BIGLAW: They want to know if firms are forcing summers into binding arbitration and nondisclosure agreements. #TimesUp is working, y'all. BIGLAW HAS BEEN TRYING TO AVOID GETTING MICHAEL COHEN'S STINK ON IT: But Michael Avenatti might have Squire Patton Boggs in his sights. OH YEAH, FLINT: White and Case hasn't forgotten about Flint, Michigan, and its poisonous water.

WELL, IT’S MORE LIKE A COURTROOM FRACAS: Still, any time defendants start punching their lawyer after a conviction, it’s worth seeing.

ELITE LAW SCHOOLS BAND TOGETHER AND DEMAND DECENCY FROM BIGLAW: They want to know if firms are forcing summers into binding arbitration and nondisclosure agreements. #TimesUp is working, y’all.

BIGLAW HAS BEEN TRYING TO AVOID GETTING MICHAEL COHEN’S STINK ON IT: But Michael Avenatti might have Squire Patton Boggs in his sights.

OH YEAH, FLINT: White and Case hasn’t forgotten about Flint, Michigan, and its poisonous water.

I’M HAPPY ABOUT THE SPORTS BETTING DECISION: But man, are the conservatives going to ram the 10th Amendment down my neck as long as they have the benefit of a stolen SCOTUS seat.

Elie Mystal is the Executive Editor of Above the Law and the Legal Editor for More Perfect. He can be reached @ElieNYC on Twitter, or at [email protected]. He will resist.
