High Times For Cannabis Law Blogs

The bulk of these blogs are aimed at clearing the haze around some of the complex issues that cloud the marijuana business.

Put this in your pipe and smoke it: It is a very good time to be a cannabis lawyer — and, by extension, a cannabis-law blogger.

It’s not exactly reefer madness, but recreational use of marijuana is now legal in nine states and the District of Columbia. Seven of those states allow retail sales of marijuana and, starting next month, my home state of Massachusetts will make it eight. Medical use of marijuana is legal in 29 states.

With retail and medicinal sales come a new crop of businesses and investors. What was once a symbol of the counterculture is now becoming a mainstream industry. And, to be blunt, where there is an industry, there is the need for lawyers to serve that industry.

As more and more lawyers specialize in cannabis law, that means increasing competition among them. As competition increases, firms ramp up their cannabis-related marketing. For many, a key piece of that marketing is a cannabis law blog.

The bulk of these blogs are aimed at clearing the haze around some of the complex issues that cloud the marijuana business. A few hours of research found 26 of them, with names that range from giggle-inducing puns (The Blunt Truth and In the Weeds) to soberingly straightforward (Cannabis Law Blog). No doubt there are others I missed.

So gather your buds around while I hash out this list of cannabis law blogs. (Note: Several more came to my attention after publishing this post that I’ve added at the bottom of this list.)

Cannabis Blog. Lawyers at the firm Greenspoon Marder blog about a range of legal and regulatory issues related to the cannabis industry.


Cannabis Business Blog. The Seattle firm Garvey Schubert Barer provides legal updates on the marijuana industry in Washington state and elsewhere.

Cannabis Law & Policy Project Blog. Written by faculty and students in the Cannabis Law & Policy Project at the University of Washington Law School, this blog seeks to provide thought leadership on the responsible development of the recreational and medical marijuana industries.

Cannabis Law Blog. From the law firm Dykema Gossett, this blog provides news and analysis of cannabis-related issues for businesses, investors, and financial institutions.

Cannabis Law Now. A blog reporting on cannabis law, written by lawyers at the firm Husch Blackwell.

Cannabis Law PA. A guide to medical marijuana regulatory laws, primarily focused on Pennsylvania.


Cannabis Law Prof Blog. Part of the Law Professor Blogs Network, this blog is written by Franklin G. Snyder, professor at Texas A&M University School of Law.

Cannabis Industry. The law firm Duane Morris publishes this blog, covering an array of issues related to cannabis businesses.

CannaBiz. A blog from the law firm Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi that covers regulatory developments and investment opportuntities related to the legalization of marijuana in New Jersey.

Canna Law Blog. This blog describes itself as focused on the practical aspects of cannabis law and how it impacts those involved in the industry. It is from the firm Harris Bricken.

CannaLex Blog. The blog of a law firm that serves medical marijuana companies in Michigan.

Clifton Cannabis Law Blog. This firm focuses its blog and its practice on legal issues related to cannabis entrepreneurs in California, Oregon, and Washington.

Hoban Law Group Blog. This Denver firm specializes in representing cannabis businesses internationally. Its blog includes a regular “week in review” of cannabis law news.

In the Weeds. A blog from Fox Rothschild aimed at cannabis entrepreneurs.

Kight on Cannabis. North Carolina lawyer Rod Kight writes this blog, where he focuses on the business and legal issues around cannabis.

Marijuana Law, Policy & Reform. Edited by Douglas A. Berman, professor at Ohio State University’s Moritz College of Law, this is also part of the Law Professor Blogs Network.

Marijuana Lawyer News Blog. Legal aspects of medical and recreational marijuana are covered here. The blog is from the firm 7 Point Law, which has offices in Washington, Oregon, California, and Maryland.

McAllister Garfield Blog. This firm represents cannabis businesses in California, Colorado, Florida, and Oregon. Its blog features brief posts and videos on various business topics.

Medical Marijuana Attorney Blog. This infrequently updated blog, written by a lawyer in Santa Rosa, Calif., covers California cannabis laws and regulations.

Medical Marijuana Legal Blog. This is the blog of the Cannabis Law Group, a California firm that represents medical marijuana patients, collectives and growers.

Rogoway Law Blog. Legal information of interest to cannabis businesses in California is the subject of this blog.

THC Legal Group Blog. Starting and structuring a cannabis business are the focus of this blog, which is affiliated with the intellectual property firm Howard M. Cohn & Associates.

The Blunt Truth. This blog from the law firm Seyfarth Shaw describes itself as “chronicling the evolution and implementation of marijuana laws in the United States.”

The Green Enterprise. The California law firm Archer Norris publishes this blog, which covers both the transactional and litigation aspects of cannabis law and regulation.

The Pipeline. Legal issues that impact the cannabis industry are the focus of this blog, written by lawyers in the Cannabis Practice Group at the law firm Lane Powell.

Venture Cannabis Law Blog. Forming, structuring and financing cannabis businesses are the focus of this blog, which is written by the law firm Epperly Elam in San Francisco.

Here are three more that I learned about after publishing this post:

For anyone interested in cannabis law, you should also be aware of Cannabis Law Report. It is not produced by a law firm but is a full-fledged online publication, covering news, cases, legislation, and more. It encompasses four separate blogs, covering cannabis law, medical cannabis, hemp, and breaking news, and various other resources.

Cannabis law practices are perhaps an unintended consequence of the liberalization of marijuana laws. But as this area of practice becomes more competitive, it is safe to say that the crop of cannabis law blogs will be continuing to grow.

Robert Ambrogi Bob AmbrogiRobert Ambrogi is a Massachusetts lawyer and journalist who has been covering legal technology and the web for more than 20 years, primarily through his blog LawSites.com. Former editor-in-chief of several legal newspapers, he is a fellow of the College of Law Practice Management and an inaugural Fastcase 50 honoree. He can be reached by email at [email protected], and you can follow him on Twitter (@BobAmbrogi).