Book Of Business: New Offices, New Frontiers

From the East Coast to the Far East, and back again.

Welcome to the dog days of summer. The weather is hot, and the work is slow. So why not escape the office and hit the road?

In the latest episode of Book of Business, the Biglaw-centric podcast that I host with veteran legal recruiter Robert Kinney, Founder and President of Kinney Recruiting, we do exactly that. First we stop by Philadelphia, where we break down the recent departure of 12 lawyers from Reed Smith to start the Philly office of Holland & Knight. Then we jet off to Asia, for a look at the Seoul and Hong Kong legal markets. Finally, we share our favorite travel tips, everything from getting over jet lag to getting wrinkles out of suits.

As much as Robert and I enjoy arguing chatting with each other, we welcome guests on the podcast as well (like Simpson Thacher partner Robert René Rabalais, who joined us for our fourth episode). If you’re a partner at a leading law firm who might be interested in joining us on Book of Business, please feel free to email me and Robert Kinney, subject line “Book of Business.” I can be reached at, and Robert Kinney can be reached at

Check out Book of Business via the embed or links below, and subscribe to future episodes through your podcast purveyor of choice. Enjoy!

Biglaw Book of Business [main website]
Episode 5: New Offices, New Frontiers [Book of Business]
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Biglaw Book of Business [Spotify]

Earlier: 12 Lawyers Defect From Reed Smith, As Holland & Knight Opens New Office To Accommodate Them

DBL square headshotDavid Lat is editor at large and founding editor of Above the Law, as well as the author of Supreme Ambitions: A Novel. He previously worked as a federal prosecutor in Newark, New Jersey; a litigation associate at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz; and a law clerk to Judge Diarmuid F. O’Scannlain of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. You can connect with David on Twitter (@DavidLat), LinkedIn, and Facebook, and you can reach him by email at