Law Schools

Controversial Yale Law School Professor Hospitalized, Out For The Semester

The Tiger Mom has been hospitalized.

Amy Chua

Amy Chua

Unfortunate news out of Yale Law School, where controversial law professor and author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, Amy Chua, has been hospitalized and will not return to the classroom this semester.

Though we don’t have any details on the nature of what led to her hospitalization, something happened to her after classes had already begun for the year. Indeed, Chua had been teaching a section of contracts.

In order to deal with these suddenly teacher-less 1Ls, the law school has decided to combine Chua’s section of contracts with that of professor Ian Ayres. According to an email sent by Professor Ayres (and available in full on the next page), the now larger class will move into a new classroom and meet at a different time than Professor Ayres’s section had previously. Professor Ayres also noted that the oral argument requirement of his class will now be dropped. See, there always is a silver lining.

Professor Ayres’s email also makes it clear that the situation is very much in flux, and the school is trying to respond quickly to an emerging situation:

If you have any conflicts are [sic] questions about any of this, please call my cell XXX-XXXX. I’m trying to do this in away that minimizes costs to you as the school tries to react responsibly to Professor Chua‘s illness.

Best wishes to Professor Chua for a speedy recovery.

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