Every Single Day That You See Me, That's On The Worst Day Of My Life -- See Also

REALLY THE MOST EFFECTIVE RESPONSE TO AMY CHUA'S DENIALS: Multiple students have reported what Chua has said. Multiple students heard it first hand. They are not impressed with her denials now. SPEAKING OF YALE: Yale Law students get what the Yale Law administration does not seem to. HERE'S WHERE WE STAND WITH THE KAVANAUGH ACCUSERS: Multiple people have accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. Multiple people have information about Kavanaugh's behavior. But the Republican Senate only wants to hear from one accuser, by herself, to make it look like it's a he said/she said situation. ROD ROSENSTEIN STILL HAS A JOB: When he doesn't anymore, it's going to be critically important if he is "fired" or if he "resigns." MEANWHILE, LOOK AT THIS SCANDAL: On a normal day, the appalling scandal at John Jay College would be the lead story.

REALLY THE MOST EFFECTIVE RESPONSE TO AMY CHUA’S DENIALS: Multiple students have reported what Chua has said. Multiple students heard it first hand. They are not impressed with her denials now.

SPEAKING OF YALE: Yale Law students get what the Yale Law administration does not seem to.

HERE’S WHERE WE STAND WITH THE KAVANAUGH ACCUSERS: Multiple people have accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. Multiple people have information about Kavanaugh’s behavior. But the Republican Senate only wants to hear from one accuser, by herself, to make it look like it’s a he said/she said situation.

ROD ROSENSTEIN STILL HAS A JOB: When he doesn’t anymore, it’s going to be critically important if he is “fired” or if he “resigns.”

MEANWHILE, LOOK AT THIS SCANDAL: On a normal day, the appalling scandal at John Jay College would be the lead story.


Elie Mystal is the Executive Editor of Above the Law and the Legal Editor for More Perfect. He can be reached @ElieNYC on Twitter, or at [email protected]. He will resist.
