What You Need To Know From The Testimony Of Christine Blasey Ford And Brett Kavanaugh

Check out the updated live reactions from Brett Kavanaugh's testimony.

Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

It seems a lifetime ago that Brett Kavanaugh was presumed to be a slam dunk Supreme Court nominee. Sure, there were partisan concerns and little matters like women’s rights, but those would largely mirror issues with any Republican nominee for the high court. So, with a majority in the Senate, most people assumed we’d be referring to Brett Kavanaugh as Justice pretty quickly.

Then Christine Blasey Ford came forward.

Mind you, she’d started the process of getting her story out in front of the Senate months earlier. But when her name and her story became public, it put a screeching halt to Kavanaugh’s ascent to the Supreme Court. Since then, multiple other women have come forward with disturbing stories about Kavanaugh, but it is only Blasey Ford that the Senate Judiciary Committee has deemed it necessary to get testimony from.

Which brings us to today. With the help of a “female assistant” — yes, the GOP really referred to Rachel Mitchell, chief of the special victims division of the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office in Arizona, as that — to whom Republicans will be ceding part of their time to for questioning, Blasey Ford will be subjecting herself to Senate testimony.

Though rumors are swirling that Kavanaugh does not currently have the 50 votes necessary to get confirmed, the vote on his nomination is scheduled for tomorrow.

Here’s what Twitter is saying about the testimony. (The reactions to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony are here.)

