John Paul Stevens Is Still Alive, Also Doesn't Think Kavanaugh Belongs

Retired Supreme Court Justices say the darndest things.

Retired Justice John Paul Stevens, who would still be on the Supreme Court if liberals weren’t terrified he’d be dead by now, shared his thoughts on the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, at an event in Florida.

I’d say that we should get David Souter’s and Sandra Day O’Connor’s opinions on the nomination as well, but it would hardly make a difference. I don’t think Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, and Lisa Murkowski much care about what retired Supreme Court Justices think.

Still, I think O’Connor especially might have an opinion worth hearing. She “maybe regrets” the Supreme Court’s decision to take Bush v. Gore, as hearing the case and anointing George W. Bush as President made the Court look like a partisan institution.

Merely picking the President seems quaint compared to what the Court will look like if Kavanaugh is allowed on. Justice Breitbart is going to poison the Court for a generation.

John Paul Stevens is a lifelong Republican, by the way. He was appointed by Gerald Ford. That we think of him as a liberal says everything about how far right the Court has lurched already, and how much farther Kavanaugh can still take it.


Elie Mystal is the Executive Editor of Above the Law and the Legal Editor for More Perfect. He can be reached @ElieNYC on Twitter, or at [email protected]. He will resist.
