
Am Law Ranked Firm Changes Branding Without Telling Partners

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Most people will read a headline like this and assume it’s a knock on the firm. With all the complaints about “black box” firms that treat their associates — and increasingly their partners — as cannon fodder undeserving of even the most basic transparency, it’s understandable that rebranding the whole firm without the input of all but a select handful of partners would be the subject of scorn. But this is actually the rare case where firms probably should be more of a dictatorship.

There’s a lot of good that can come from decision-making by democracy, but aesthetic choices are rarely included in that. Far too often, involving hundreds of stakeholders in designing a logo only results in gridlock and second-guessing. It’s how you end up turning a firm into a mid-grade shoe store of compromise.

That’s not to say that single decision-makers or small committees are universally good. They can ruin a branding as easily as anyone. But by narrowing the decision to a small group, the risk of going off the rails is exponentially reduced.

Goldberg Segalla, a firm on the rise that’s climbed up into the Am Law 200 in recent years, prides itself on its “committee of all” approach. Which is why it’s noteworthy that managing partner Richard Cohen decided to keep the partnership largely in the dark about its new look:

“It’s human nature, particularly with lawyers, to have an array of differing opinions with respect to almost anything,” Cohen said. “We recognized that when we did unveil the concept to our ownership community that it was extremely unlikely that all of us would have the exact same vision. We were prepared for a wide array of reactions.”

Cohen said they were pleased, but not surprised, that the rebrand thus far has gotten a positive response.

Ultimately, a three-partner committee worked with internal branding folks and outside consultants — you know, people actually trained in how to do this as opposed to Bob from Tax — to come up with a new logo, color palette, and website. It didn’t shorten its name like most firms do these days, which is a shame because “Goldberg” has that vintage late-90s wrestling feel.

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Why This Am Law Firm Kept Partners in the Dark on a Branding Overhaul [American Lawyer]

Earlier: Biglaw Firm Rebrands, And The New Logo Is… Let’s Just Say ‘Unconventional’

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.