Another Biglaw Firm Delays Opening -- Thanks Delta

The overwhelming majority of the firm's employees are vaxxed, but the Delta variant is still causing delays in the firm's plans.


I hope this email finds you well and enjoying the summer season. As you know, we have been looking forward to making all of our U.S. offices available with full services and amenities on September 20. In addition, we had been planning celebratory events for colleagues to gather across all our locations. However, the COVID-19 Delta variant has made any in-person gatherings increasingly difficult and poses additional risk. As a result, we’re delaying the enhanced opening to October 25 in the hopes that the national public health environment improves.

We will check in with you again a month before then, as we’re doing now, so that you can plan your work and personal lives accordingly. Our offices will remain available to those who want or need to come in, as they have for the past several months.

When we do more fully reopen, it remains the case that we are not sending a message—express or implied—that everyone must show up and work as if it is 2019. We remain committed to supporting remote work through the balance of this year, as we have throughout the pandemic.

Over the last few weeks, we’ve communicated through national office managers and Human Resources the restrictions that apply in our various locations. For example, some counties have implemented indoor mask mandates, while others encourage wearing masks. We’re following local mandates, of course, and will continue to do so. In all of our U.S. locations, we have announced that unvaccinated employees and visitors may not enter our offices. That will remain the case.

As you know, we have been encouraging everyone to receive a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as practicable and continue to do so, barring medical or religious exemptions, of course. I’m pleased to say we’ve made good progress—as of this week, 93 percent of our employees are vaccinated—and we hope that percentage continues to increase. The remainder of our employees either have not started the vaccination process or have declined to provide information concerning their vaccination status. We believe that our ability to gather together in offices requires all of us to closely adhere to safety precautions, which include having as many of our employees as possible be vaccinated. Here is a link to information about obtaining a vaccine and updating the firm as to your status.

We will hold our next Town Hall on Monday, August 16, at 10:30 a.m. Pacific. At that meeting, among other topics, we will share the recommendations of the Office of the Future Task Force regarding post-pandemic possibilities for in-office and remote work. Additional details will be sent shortly.


All of you have done a remarkable job of supporting our clients and each other during this seemingly endless, difficult time. We know you will continue to do so, and for that we are grateful.

