After South Dakota AG Jason Ravnsborg killed a pedestrian, didn’t report it until the next day, said he thought it was a deer, got confronted by cops over the fact that the dead man’s glasses were inside the car, had his phone forensically researched to reveal that he was reading conservative websites from behind the wheel at the time of the crash, received the world’s softest set of misdemeanor charges, and ultimately paid $1,000 for killing a guy all while retaining his post as a state attorney general, I thought the story had reached peak outrageous.
I was so wrong.
Because mere days before entering a plea on the wristslap he faced for ending a man’s life, Jason Ravnsborg got pulled over and charged with another misdemeanor for dangerous driving.

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I can’t stress enough how “someone is dead because of me” would have a sobering effect on most people, but seems to have barely registered with this scumball.
Before shrugging this off as “only” a speeding ticket, the citation is for driving 57 in a 35 zone. That’s more than 60 percent over the limit! Whenever you get beyond 30 percent or so over the limit, it starts to become clear that there’s a problem because it just feels like you’re going too fast for your surroundings. To put it in context, it’s like driving 104 in a 65 zone — you’d feel that in ways you might not feel slipping up to 75. And remember, we’re talking about South Dakota, a state where they crank speed limits up to 80, so when they dial it back to anything under 50, you know it’s serious.
This marks the seventh speeding ticket in seven years for the chief law enforcement officer of the “law and order” party.
If the legislature in South Dakota isn’t going to get around to impeaching this blot on their state, then maybe they should consider upping the penalties for reckless driving. Perhaps some kind of “seven strikes and a dead body and you’re out” rule. Maybe if South Dakota got really serious they might, I don’t know, suspend his driver’s license for 30 days or something.

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SD Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg gets speeding ticket, his 7th since 2014 [Dakota News Now]
Earlier: State AG Killed A Guy… Judge Fines Him $1,000.
State AG Who Killed A Pedestrian Suggests It Was Suicide As Opposed To His Scrolling The Internet While Driving
State Attorney General Told Officers He’d Hit A Deer… In Reality, A Man Is Now Dead
State AG Killed A Man And Told Cops He’d Hit A Deer, Will Only Face Misdemeanor Charges
Dead Man’s Glasses Found INSIDE South Dakota AG’s Car
Joe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.