Lawyer Who Called Judge An A-Hole At Holiday Party Disciplined

Unsurprisingly, the attorney appeared intoxicated at the event.

dance dancing holiday party Christmas partiesOffice holiday parties can be a great opportunity to let off some steam. But, even if the drinks are flowing, it’s important to remember they’re still work events and what transpires there can absolutely impact your career.

Attorney Natalie Bahan was disciplined by the Ohio Supreme Court. She received a stayed six-month suspension — on the conditions there’s no further misconduct and that she submit to a substance use assessment by the Ohio Lawyers Assistance Program and comply their recommendations — following an incident at the December 2018 Logan County Bar Association holiday event.

The ABA Journal describes the encounter:

During the party, the bar association presented a mock award to a judge who was then on the Logan County Court of Common Pleas.

“Bahan, who had consumed alcohol at the event and appeared to be intoxicated, loudly and rudely interrupted the presentation,” the opinion said. She used the F-word to describe the judge, and she also called him a “piece of s- – -” and an “a- -hole.”

And the majority found this violated an ethics rule that lawyers maintain a respectful attitude toward the courts. Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor wrote the rules “require a lawyer to conduct herself with the dignity and respect that is commensurate with her role as an officer of the court to encourage civility and to preserve public confidence in the legal system.” And though a minority of the judges worried about the impact on Bahan’s First Amendment rights, the majority held there would be no chilling effect on legitimate criticism of courts.

Kathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, host of The Jabot podcast, and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).
