Donald Trump's Fear Of A Criminal Indictment Creeps Closer Over Christmas

It's a decent explanation for the rants he made over the holiday.

President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence Visit The Federal Emergency Management Agency Headquarters

(Photo by Evan Vucci-Pool/Getty Images)

Trump is worried about being criminally indicted. However, he lacks the social media platform to spread his message, so the nation is witnessing a cornered animal of a former president showing what is really on his mind during this holiday period.

—Jason Easley, writing for PoliticusUSA, opines on Donald Trump’s increasingly unhinged rants on Truth Social over the Christmas holiday. He believes the social media posts were a response to the former president’s growing fear of a criminal indictment. He concluded, “Donald Trump fancies himself as a mob boss because he is a weak figure turning to Jell-O with each passing moment that potential justice draws closer to him.”
