Trump Wows Court With Sh*tposts About Carroll Case During Trial

The world's worst client strikes again! 

donald trump

(Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Donald Trump is currently on trial in New York for making defamatory statements about E. Jean Carroll on his Truth Social website. So naturally he started the day by repeating a version of those statements on his Truth Social website.

First, he referred to a bunch of evidence which was already excluded by Judge Lewis Kaplan:

The E. Jean Carroll case, Ms. Bergdorf Goodman, is a made up SCAM. Her lawyer is a political operative, financed by a big political donor that they said didn’t exist, only to get caught lying about that. Just look at her CNN interview before & after the commercial break – Like a different person. She said there was a dress, using the ol’ Monica Lewinsky “stuff”, then she didn’t want to produce it. The dress should be allowed to be part of the case. This is a fraudulent & false story–Witch Hunt!

First of all, Carroll didn’t “get caught lying” about anything. Her lawyers disclosed that some of her expenses were being paid by a non-profit, and Trump himself waived the issue long ago because he didn’t want to disclose the source of his own litigation funding. (Hint: It is political dark money.)

Second, Trump himself refused for three straight years to submit to a DNA test, only offering to produce a cheek swab after discovery had closed.

But he wasn’t through talking. The former president, who previously implied that Carroll was too ugly to rape because she was “not his type” has now added that she was also too old for him to assault:


They got caught lying! The Miss Bergdorf Goodman case is financed by a big political donor that they tried to hide. Does anybody believe that I would take a then almost 60 year old woman that I didn’t know, from the front door of a very crowded department store, (with me being very well known, to put it mildly!), into a tiny dressing room, and …. her. She didn’t scream? There are no witnesses? Nobody saw this? She never made a police complaint? If I was seen there with a woman-BIG PRESS. SCAM!

Bold move from a guy who is currently trying to exclude video evidence of him at rallies criticizing the appearance of women who accused him of sexual assault.

Judge Kaplan had already had it up to here with the defendant before the trial started.

“What seems to be the case is that your client is basically endeavoring, certainly, to speak to his quote-unquote public, but, more troubling, the jury in this case about stuff that has no business being spoken about,” he said, laying into Trump’s lawyer Joseph Tacopina this morning.

Tacopina promised to try to control his client, with the court warning that Trump “may or may not be tampering with a new source of potential liability.”


But perhaps he should have tried to get the message out to the family, too, since young Eric was still running his mouth.

“If I were in your shoes I would be having a conversation with your client,” Judge Kaplan admonished Tacopina when the parties returned after lunch. “There are some relevant United States statutes here and somebody on your side ought to be thinking about them.”

And it’s only the first full day in front of the jury!

Judge rebukes Trump for ‘entirely inappropriate’ post before E Jean Carroll testimony [Guardian]

Carroll v. Trump I [Docket via Court Listener]
Carroll v. Trump II [Docket via Court Listener]

Liz Dye lives in Baltimore where she writes about law and politics and appears on the Opening Arguments podcast.