Hunter Biden Convicted


President Biden Hosts India Prime Minister Modi For State Visit

Photographer: Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images

They got the H man! Robert Hunter Biden, son of the sitting president, was convicted this morning by a jury in Wilmington, Delaware on three counts relating to a gun he owned for eleven days back in 2018.

We can all sleep safe at night now knowing that a former drug addict who lied on a gun application six years ago will finally face justice.

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The convictions come at the end of a six-year investigation by Special Counsel David Weiss, the former US Attorney for Delaware who was tapped by then-AG Bill Barr to investigate Hunter Biden. The parties originally reached a plea agreement, which exploded in open court last July. As the Washington Post painstakingly detailed, Weiss’s demands for concessions escalated for months as congressional Republicans brayed for charges they could weaponize against the president — even as their own efforts to gin up dirt resulted in public pantsing. When Judge Maryellen Noreika, a Trump appointee, refused to sanction a somewhat nebulous filing, Weiss went on to charge Biden in Delaware with lying on his gun purchase paperwork and also for failing to pay taxes during the period of his intense addiction. He’ll go on trial in California for the tax charges in September.

It’s very clear that Biden has faced heightened scrutiny for conduct which would have never resulted in charges for another defendant. The government recently dropped tax charges against Roger Stone, who also failed to pay his taxes in a timely fashion. And a 2018 report by the Government Accountability Office found that, of 112,090 denials kicked up in 2017 by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System for disallowed gun purchasers who failed to disclose felony convictions on their applications, only twelve were prosecuted — “TF field divisions investigate denial cases based on USAO criteria and generally only refer cases to USAOs for prosecution when aggravating circumstances exist, such as violent felonies or multiple serious offenses over a short period of time.”

In fact, the GAO recommended that the ATF “should assess use of warning notices in lieu of prosecutions” to save government resources.


Nevertheless Republicans have screamed about a two-tiered justice system, and have pointed to the case as proof that the DOJ is protecting President Biden by not charging his son with violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Trump’s campaign spox Karoline Leavitt duly vomited out a statement calling the case “nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine” and vowing that “Crooked Joe Biden’s reign over the Biden Family Criminal Empire is all coming to an end on November 5th, and never again will a Biden sell government access for personal profit.”

Strangely, the sitting president did not rail against a weaponized justice system led by a prosecutor dispatched by his opponent to “get” his only living son.

As I said last week, I am the President, but I am also a Dad. Jill and I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today. So many families who have had loved ones battle addiction understand the feeling of pride seeing someone you love come out the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery. As I also said last week, I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal. Jill and I will always be there for Hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. Nothing will ever change that.


President Biden has said that he will not be pardoning his son. Which is just further proof that the fix is in!