Biglaw Mergers Expected To Continue Apace In 2025, Even As Law Firms Grow 'Pickier'

Does your law firm have the urge to merge?

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It does reduce the number of completed mergers we see, because firms are pickier, and they should be. They’re looking for this type of business case and strategic rationale. Of course that differs from a defensive merger, where they have fewer choices available, and they are backed into a corner.

— Kristin Stark, a principal at Fairfax Associates, in comments given to the American Lawyer, on why most law firm merger talks are seen as offensive right now among Biglaw firms, especially considering the fact that the legal sector is performing incredibly well. Fifty law firm mergers took place in 2024, and at least 12 mergers have been announced for 2025 already. “We expect to see at least the same number of mergers in 2025 as in 2024, with the possibility for more if deals currently under consideration cross[] the finish line,” Fairfax noted in its year-end merger report.

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on BlueskyX/Twitter, and Threads, or connect with her on LinkedIn.
