They May Have Failed To Inform Us, But They Knew! -- See Also

Washington Post Sandbags Knowing About Alito's Flag Flying: Not doing your job is one thing, but you can't let folks think you've been out-scooped! So Much For The US News Rankings: Looks like they tweaked away their audience. Haters, Assemble!: The fruit of the Threadnoughts goes after Musk's firing practices. Disney Made: Ever watch "Good Luck Charlie"? Guess who just graduated law school! Why Worry About His Lies? Focus On Manners!: Trump gets his feefees hurt after getting caught fibbing.

lawyer facepalmWashington Post Sandbags Knowing About Alito’s Flag Flying: Not doing your job is one thing, but you can’t let folks think you’ve been out-scooped!

So Much For The US News Rankings: Looks like they tweaked away their audience.

Haters, Assemble!: The fruit of the Threadnoughts goes after Musk’s firing practices.

Disney Made: Ever watch “Good Luck Charlie”? Guess who just graduated law school!

Why Worry About His Lies? Focus On Manners!: Trump gets his feefees hurt after getting caught fibbing.