
Non-Sequiturs: 08.20.15

* Out of Germany comes news of a real tragedy -- spoiled beer. [Legal Juice] * Justice Sonia Sotomayor got a pretty bad-ass tribute in the form of a graffiti mural, unveiled in the Bronx. [Colorlines] * A look at how voter suppression efforts have morphed with the times. [Washington Post] * Don't feel bad about your Josh Duggar/Ashley Madison schadenfreude. [Lawyers, Guns & Money] * Want to waste some time? Take this fun quiz matching quotes to the lawyers that said them. [Suited Gladiators] * A lesson in how not to deal with a government investigation, courtesy of the American Red Cross. [Cady Bar The Door] * George Washington would be embarrassed to hear today's candidates' take on torture. And so would the rest of the founding fathers, ya know, if they were zombies. [Lowering the Bar] * We're about to announce the finalists for our Summer Associate Event Contest -- so if you have a nomination, send it to us ASAP! [Above the Law]

* Out of Germany comes news of a real tragedy — spoiled beer. [Legal Juice]

* Justice Sonia Sotomayor got a pretty bad-ass tribute in the form of a graffiti mural, unveiled in the Bronx. [Colorlines]

* A look at how voter suppression efforts have morphed with the times. [Washington Post]

* Don’t feel bad about your Josh Duggar/Ashley Madison schadenfreude. [Lawyers, Guns & Money]

* Want to waste some time? Take this fun quiz matching quotes to the lawyers that said them. [Suited Gladiators]

* A lesson in how not to deal with a government investigation, courtesy of the American Red Cross. [Cady Bar The Door]

* George Washington would be embarrassed to hear today’s candidates’ take on torture. And so would the rest of the founding fathers, ya know, if they were zombies. [Lowering the Bar]

* We’re about to announce the finalists for our Summer Associate Event Contest — so if you have a nomination, send it to us ASAP! [Above the Law]