Summer Associate Offer Rates (2012): Open Thread
Summer associate programs are winding down, and offer rate news is trickling in. What are we hearing?
We’ve had a decent amount of drama involving summer associates at major law firms this year. We’ve heard stories of dramatic helicopter rescues in Canada, showstopping performances at the Apollo, guns found in drawers, and steamy lesbianic trysts (which are, of course, nothing new for summer associates).
Are these antics affecting offer rates? Here’s what we’ve heard about a handful of firms that have announced offers….
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We’ve heard about 100 percent offer rates from three firms so far (office locations indicated parenthetically where known):
- Milbank Tweed (New York)
- Schulte Roth & Zabel
- Weil Gotshal & Manges (New York)
The Milbank offer rate news was announced to summers last week. The Weil offers were announced yesterday afternoon, at a celebration with cake and champagne. The good news at Schulte came this morning: “The Recruiting Department requested the presence of the entire class of Summer Associates for a brief meeting at 9:30 this morning, where they were told that they all had offers.”
If you have offer rate information to share, please email us (subject line: “Summer Associate Offer Rates”), or text us (646-820-8477; texts only, not a voice line). You can also leave a comment if you like. If we receive enough information, we’ll do a follow-up story, probably next week.
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Elsewhere on the good news front, we are still accepting nominations for our summer associate event contest. Again, please email us or text us (646-820-8477 / 646-820-TIPS). Thanks!
Earlier: What Was The Best Biglaw Summer Associate Event Of 2012?
Summer Associate Offer Rates (2011): Open Thread
Summer Associate Offer Rates: An Update
Summer Associate Offer Rates: Another Update