Thanks To The Ninth Circuit For A Supreme Event!
This past weekend, the Ninth Circuit held an open house in which it welcomed members of the public to its beautiful courthouse in Pasadena, California.
This past Sunday, I had the honor and pleasure of participating in A Supreme Event, a wonderful open house hosted by the U.S. Court of Appeals at the historic Richard H. Chambers Courthouse in Pasadena, California. As some of you may know, this beautiful courthouse is the setting for my first book, Supreme Ambitions: A Novel (affiliate link).
The magnificent grounds and building, including the chambers of several judges, were open for tours. I spoke about Supreme Ambitions and the history of the courthouse. Two very interesting panels — one about the ethical issues arising out of the judge-clerk relationship, and one about lawyering in fact and fiction — took place. Refreshments were served throughout the day.
Given the number of RSVPs, which exceeded 600, I worried about the logistics of hosting and feeding the masses. But everything went off without a hitch. Judge Alex Kozinski and his team are used to entertaining large crowds at the courthouse thanks to years of hosting Kozinski’s Favorite Flicks (the subject of this great Los Angeles Times article).
I thank Judge Kozinski, his fellow judges, his wife Marcy Tiffany, and everyone at the Ninth Circuit (especially Donna Salter and Judge Kozinski’s clerks) who worked so hard to make this event a success. You can watch the proceedings from A Supreme Event over here. Enjoy!
A Supreme Event [YouTube]
You’re Invited To A Supreme Event [Supreme Ambitions]
After court adjourns, 9th Circuit judge’s movie nights are a hit [Los Angeles Times]