Ann Althouse

  • Ann Althouse, Health Care / Medicine, Movies, Murder, Non-Sequiturs, Religion, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, Trials, Women's Issues, YouTube

    Non-Sequiturs: 03.25.14

    * Professor Ann Althouse’s analysis of today’s Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood arguments before SCOTUS. [Althouse] * Professor Nelson Tebbe’s take on the proceedings. [Balkinization] * Finally, a very Jezebel assessment: “Supreme Court Prepares to F**k Up This Birth Control Thing.” [Jezebel] * “JUDGE TO PORN TROLLS: IP Addresses Aren’t People.” [Instapundit] * YouTube videos and text messages surface in the Oscar Pistorius murder trial. [IT-Lex] * “Her” was an excellent movie — and it might contain lessons for lawyers and the legal profession, as John Hellerman argues. [Hellerman Baretz]
  • Ann Althouse, Gay, Gay Marriage, Law Schools, Legal Ethics, Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 02.26.14

    * Congratulations to A&L Goodbody partner Cian McCourt on becoming a father after his wife gave birth on the sidewalk at 68th Street and 3rd Avenue. [BBC News] * A class action alleging that hotel price gouging led to a broken tooth. What? [Lowering the Bar] * Remember the “you’re not good enough” rejection letter? Well, now you can express your feelings about it with this poll. [Althouse] * A comprehensive survey to the access to justice available to the average America. Spoiler alert: Not a lot. [National Center for Access to Justice] * Florida-sized corruption allegations. [South Florida Lawyers] * Is law school a Veblen good? [Lawyers, Guns & Money] * Dan Patrick (the Texas Republican, not the famous anchor) told all his Twitter followers the true definition of marriage: “ONE MAN & ONE MAN.” Sorry, lesbians. [Slate]
  • Ann Althouse, DUI / DWI, Gay, Gay Marriage, Law Professors, Law Schools, Non-Sequiturs, Politics, Tax Law

    Non-Sequiturs: 05.20.13

    * Justin Bieber has apparently abandoned his 20-week-old monkey, Mally, after having her confiscated because he couldn’t comply with animal control laws in Germany. Now in a shelter somewhere in Germany, there’s one more lonely girl. [Lowering the Bar] * Ann Althouse posted FOUR TIMES about Barack Obama’s umbrella over the weekend. Somebody is really putting off grading those papers. [Althouse] * Alabama judge faces $25 million lawsuit alleging he improperly took a case from another judge and issued damaging rulings. This is the judge who ran against Chief Justice Roy “Don’t Remove the Ten Commandments From the Courthouse” Moore. The moral of the story is: don’t use the Alabama judicial system. [Legal Schnauzer] * The FBI may be looking into whether lawyers conspired to have opposing counsel arrested on DUI charges by using a “comely paralegal” to get the lawyer drunk and then ask him to drive her home. [Tampa Bay Times] * Statewide Virginia Republican candidates are no friends of the libertarian wing of the conservative movement. On the other hand, are there viable conservative candidates not named “Paul” that are friends of the libertarian wing of the conservative movement? [CATO at Liberty] * The IRS scandal gets the SNL treatment courtesy of Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler. Video after the jump…
  • Ann Althouse, Contests, Federal Government, Non-Sequiturs, Parties, Prisons, Technology, U.S. Attorneys Offices

    Non-Sequiturs: 02.06.13

    * Former Biglaw associate Tabber Benedict, whom we’ve mentioned before (in happier times), reportedly threw a lavish “going away” party — going away to prison, that is. [Daily Mail] * Take your pick: is government an “impetuous vortex” or a “hideous monster [with] devouring jaws”? [Althouse] * Some thoughts from Juan Haines, a current San Quentin inmate and jailhouse lawyer, on wrongful conviction. [Life of the Law] * In defense of the weekly meeting. [What About Clients?] * Prosecutors: above the (traffic) law? [] * And how about the U.S. Postal Service? [Felix Salmon] * The furor over U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz and the late Aaron Swartz shows no sign of abating. [How Appealing] * Speaking of technology law, how would you like to win $5,000? If so, check out this contest. [IT-Lex]
  • Ann Althouse, Football, Guns / Firearms, Hotties, Law School Deans, Non-Sequiturs, Paralegals, Pregnancy / Paternity, Suicide

    Non-Sequiturs: 01.16.13

    * Not a Victoria’s Secret angel’s fantasy: being sued for $3.3 million. [Fashionista] * Should a widow be able to extract sperm from the body of her husband, who recently committed suicide, so she can have a child with him? Some thoughts from Professor Glenn Cohen of Harvard Law. [Bill of Health] * Speaking of suicide, controversy over the prosecution of the late Aaron Swartz rages on. [How Appealing and Instapundit] * Professor Ann Althouse isn’t a fan of the “if we can save one life” argument for gun control. [Althouse] * I don’t know anything about football, but even I chuckled at this. [Life in Biglaw] * ‘Tis the season… for replacing law school deans. Congratulations to Michael Hunter Schwartz, the new dean at Arkansas – Little Rock. [Faculty Lounge] After the jump, Elie challenges Mike Bloomberg to make him skinny…. Elie also discusses the hot issue of the day, gun control, on HuffPost Live:
  • 7th Circuit, Ann Althouse, Benchslaps, D.C. Circuit, Election 2012, Eugene Volokh, Free Speech, Non-Sequiturs, Politics, Rape

    Non-Sequiturs: 08.21.12

    * “Kanye West, Kelly Clarkson, and Nietzsche (figuratively) walk into the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Hilarity ensues.” [FindLaw] * The EPA gets benchslapped by the D.C. Circuit. [Instapundit] * What can law firms learn from… the Cheesecake Factory? Besides how to make people fat; Biglaw’s already great at that. [Adam Smith, Esq.] * If you enjoy gambling or legal hypotheticals, check this out. [Legal Blog Watch] * Professor Eugene Volokh examines the tricky tension between constitutionally protected speech and laws against blackmail. [Volokh Conspiracy] Professor Ann Althouse * Professor Howard Wasserman grades Representative Todd Akin’s apology for his “legitimate rape” remarks — and gives the congressman partial credit for “owning” it. [PrawfsBlawg] * Meanwhile, Professor Ann Althouse wonders: “Would the Democrats oust one of their own because he said one thing wrong?” [Althouse] * Don’t forget: tonight is the nomination deadline for our Lawyerly Lairs contest for the best law firm offices in America. [Above the Law] * Our commenting platform, Disqus, is having issues — which may explain why comments are mysteriously disappearing from the site. We apologize for the problem, which we are investigating. [Disqus]
  • Sponsored

  • Ann Althouse, Bar Exams, Health Care / Medicine, Law Professors, Law Schools, Non-Sequiturs, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, Supreme Court Clerks, Tax Law

    Non-Sequiturs: 06.25.12

    * This is a great article on why the Supreme Court doesn’t leak, while more important institutions, like our national security apparatus, leak like a freaking sieve. [New Republic] * Most law professors think the Affordable Care Act is constitutional. Most law professors think the Supreme Court will overturn the ACA anyway. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? [Bloomberg] * And now for some SCOTUS thoughts from the amazingly amorphous Mitt Romney. Look at his works in equivocation, ye mighty, and despair. [Washington Post] * You know, I don’t know how they afford this stuff, but having an inalienable right to “paid vacation” really feels like the kind of European invention we should be emulating. Good ideas can come from anywhere, folks. [Legal Blog Watch] * Letting students sit for the bar exam after their second year but then making them come back to school for an even more obviously useless third year is a great way to make somebody have a total mental dissociative break. Just imagine calculating how much money you’re being forced to waste while you sit there in a 3L seminar called “Law and Ceramics.” [Faculty Lounge] * Oh, I like this. The little Democrat in me can’t help but like this: a “global” financial transaction tax. Mmm… there’s nothing like the smell of global redistributive fairness. [Overlawyered] * Jonathan Turley seems hurt that Ann Althouse and other conservative academics acted in a way that shows “we have lost the tradition of civil discourse in this country.” Yeah, umm, Professor Turley, perhaps you didn’t read the footnotes, but here on the internet we don’t have a tradition of civil discourse. We do have a tradition of ad hominem attacks, hyperbole, and pictures of cats. [Jonathan Turley]
  • Ann Althouse, Books, Crowell & Moring, Department of Justice, Education / Schools, Emily Goodman, Musical Chairs, Non-Sequiturs, Office of Legal Counsel, Student Loans

    Non-Sequiturs: 01.12.12

    * Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s lawyer has a challenge for you: “I defy you to tell the difference between a naked prostitute and any other naked woman.” [Dealbreaker] * It’s not often that Cravath partners leave for other firms, but it happens. Jeffrey Smith, former head of the environmental practice at Cravath, recently decamped for Crowell & […]
  • 5th Circuit, Ann Althouse, Barack Obama, Books, Clerkships, Depositions, Drinking, Drugs, Fat People, Gay, Lesbians, Nauseating Things, Non-Sequiturs, Politics

    Non-Sequiturs: 01.05.12

    * Pepsi lawyers offer a creative (if disturbing) defense to a lawsuit by a man who claims he found a mouse in his Mountain Dew. [Madison County Record via The Atlantic Wire] * Will birther queen Orly Taitz get to depose — i.e., “rupture the jurisprudential hymen” — of President Barack Obama? That would be […]
  • American Constitution Society (ACS), Ann Althouse, Fast Food, Law Schools, Money, Non-Sequiturs, Securities and Exchange Commission, Student Loans, Technology

    Non-Sequiturs: 08.26.11

    * What can law firms learn from Folgers crystals? Maybe how to provide legal services rich enough to be served to America’s finest corporations. [What About Clients?] * A look at what $100,000 in law school loans could have purchased instead — e.g., 505,050 chicken nuggets from Wendy’s. [Constitutional Daily] * What kind of “reasonable […]
  • Ann Althouse, Birthdays, Blogging, Free Speech, Kids, Non-Sequiturs, Old People, Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    Non-Sequiturs: 03.15.11

    * The town of Sedgwick, Maine, has declared “food sovereignty,” giving its citizens the right “to produce, process, sell, purchase, and consume local foods of their choosing,” without regard to state or federal law. Preemption? The Supremacy Clause? Eat it. [Food Renegade] * Speaking of chaos, Wisconsin law professor Ann Althouse wonders: “Who will win […]
