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How To Keyword Your Law Blog Article (And Why It Matters): Part 2

This is the second article of a four-part series in December on the topic of fresh content and blogs for your law firm’s website. Today we focus on keywords and why they matter for your law firm website’s content.

If you are an attorney, the chances are very good that you have a phenomenal command of the English language. Most attorneys are exceptional writers, and could easily articulate why and how certain laws are applicable and why they should win their argument. Many attorneys argue that they have the skill set to write their own legal content on their blog or website, and they would win that argument. However, as indicated in the first part of this series, attorneys need to write content on their website not only for potential clients but also for the Google bots that will read and interpret the information provided. While the Google bots are exceptionally advanced, the truth is that they still scan content in a specific manner. If you are a lawyer considering writing your own legal content for your website, you must learn the basics of keywording in order to increase your chances of rising in the Google rankings. 

What Is a Keyword? 

Contrary to its name, a keyword is not one word. A keyword for purposes of SEO (search engine optimization) is actually a string of words (a phrase), called a long-tail keyword. Law firms want to pop up first when clients search for keywords such as “Kansas City personal injury attorney” or “what is a special needs trust”.  Ultimately, a keyword is the very link that connects your potential clients with finding your law firm’s website.

How To Do Keyword Research and Find Keywords

If you find the right keywords, you will target the specific audience and potential clients looking for you. Knowing the keywords that your clients are searching for can help you develop an even broader content and marketing strategy. Remember, it’s not only how well you write for potential clients, but also how well you write for the Google bots to understand your content. The following are the steps you can take to doing keyword research for your articles on your law firm’s website.

Take the Time To Create a List of Topics 

Take the time to create a list of topics that you would like to rank for on Google. For example, “bankruptcy attorney in San Antonio, Texas” or “gun trusts.” It is important to understand that the keywords you will rank for will not only include you as an attorney, but also the areas in which you want to be known as an expert. 

Use Keyword Planning Tools 

There are several keyword planning tools that will show you how often a keyword is searched on the internet every month. Remember, however, that the larger the number of searches, the more difficult it may be to actually rank and show up on the first page of Google for those long-tail keywords. Searching for keywords can be a bit of an art and science combined. Most digital marketing companies used paid platforms that provide access to this kind of data. However, there are some amazing free tools that can be found as well, including the following: 

There are, of course, paid tools that you can use as well, such as SEM Rush and KWFinder. However, taking the time to work through Google Keyword Planner and these other free tools can help immensely. 

Research Related Search Terms to Your Keywords 

If you want to truly keyword correctly, you will need to take some additional time to look at related searches of your keywords. When you type in the keyword you are trying to rank for in Google, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. You will find an area called “Searches Related To [Your Keyword]”. This is a great area for you to do some additional research, because it is Google telling you that your searchers are also looking for these keywords. 

For example, if you type in “trucking accident lawyer” into Google and scroll all the way to the bottom, you will find other keywords such as: 

  • semi truck accident lawyers near me
  • truck wreck lawyer
  • truck accident lawyer near me
  • big truck accident attorney
  • car accident lawyer
  • commercial trucking attorneys
  • commercial trucking attorneys near me

Make sure that if you are writing an article for your law firm’s website that you use not only “trucking accident lawyer” but also use some of these additional keywords. It will help Google bots understand the context of what you are writing about, and help them know where to rank you in their search engine. 

Check Out Your Competitors 

One of the best things you can do is go to the law firm websites of your competitors that are doing well promoting themselves online. Look at their articles and try to see what keywords appear more than once in their article. Most articles that rank for a specific keyword have that keyword phrase in that article three or more times. Additionally, some articles may rank for more than one keyword. Take the time to investigate how your competitors are ranking at the top of Google. Study their articles to see the keywords they are using, and then write articles on those same subjects. However, if you truly want to win in the Google ranking game, you should not only write more on the subject, you should also make sure that you write better quality and more relevant or informative content. Additionally, if you add a video to that article or an infographic, Google will then eventually rank you higher than your competitor because they will see more value in your particular article. 

This Week’s Digital Marketing Action Steps:

  • Create a List of Topics You Want to Rank for on Google 
  • Take Some Time to Do Some Free Research on Google for those Keywords and Related Keywords 
  • Use Free Keyword Tools To See How Often These Keywords Are Searched Every Month 
  • Check Out Your Competitors and See What Keywords They Are Using To Get To the Top of Google

Next week, we will look at how to actually organize and format your articles to enhance and optimize them for SEO. 

Annette Choti graduated from law school 20 years ago, and is now the CEO & Owner of Law Quill, a legal digital marketing agency focused on small and solo law firms. Law Quill is the only legal digital marketing agency that provides unique, SEO-optimized content, pre-packaged content, and courses for lawyers to learn SEO themselves through Law Quill Academy. Annette used to do theatre and professional comedy, which is not so different from the legal field if we are all being honest. Annette can be found on LinkedIn or at annette@lawquill.com