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Law Schools

Law School Wants You To Know They Lost Your Exam… K Thx BYE!!!!!!!

GW is going through some things.

Young Girl in Front of Computer with Brown Bag FrownLike its namesake, George Washington University Law School cannot tell a lie. So the truth is that their massive tech collapse didn’t just screw up the ability to study for finals, it literally ate your homework.

Earlier this week, GW informed students that… yeah… you know… we probably deleted your exam.


We have received further information related to take-home exams. This message is only for students who submitted a completed take-home exam on December 9th after 2:31 a.m., or December 10th before 3:15 a.m. If you submitted a take-home exam on MyLaw within this approximately 25-hour window, AppointLink will likely not be able to recover your submission for the Law School.

We know of seven students whose take-home exams are unaccounted for, and we are sending those students a message simultaneous to this one. But it is possible that others may also have submitted exams during this period.

GW is absolutely the organization that could burn a bowl of cereal.

In other news, a GW tipster points out that “students voted early in September to go virtual after Thanksgiving, and they said it was impossible because of ABA rules.” To be clear, every single warning sign about this most recent surge was on the table before Thanksgiving. Just send everyone home and tell them to come back after MLK Day. Avoid any connection to holiday outbreaks.

They had no plan B in place for any Covid spikes obviously, and then screwed every single person over by going virtual for exams anyways — with none of the “ABA rules” being followed

The idea that the ABA — an organization that allowed Infilaw to run its schools for years — would crack down on GEORGE WASHINGTON because it let students log in from home for a couple weeks is laughable to the point of tragedy. The ABA can’t even stop unqualified jurists from getting lifetime appointments these days, it’s not going to destroy a law school over COVID protocols.

Perhaps the best way to end this is with a student quote:

The school is an embarrassment, and I’m unsure how every single dean has not been fired at this point. Obviously, there is not a single adult in the room in charge.

Earlier: Law School Suffers Critical Computer Collapse In The Middle Of Finals

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.