Small Law Firms

Benefits Of Being A Podcast Guest

Easily engage with an interested audience.

apps-g1614e08be_1920Devising an effective digital marketing platform for your law firm takes a lot of effort, time, and money. Still, there may be ways to generate interest and produce quality leads for your firm that don’t require a large investment of time or capital. A podcast appearance can be a goldmine for generating leads with no real expense. Read on to find out why appearing on a podcast is beneficial for your law firm as you look to build your brand and acquire new clients.

The Popularity of Podcasting
There are approximately 2 million podcast shows, with over 40 million episodes currently broadcasting. Podcast hosts don’t hold back when producing their shows, so, as a guest, you will benefit from their attention to detail and professional prowess. You, as the guest will be considered a part of the production and associated with their expertly published content.

Subscribers and listeners pay to watch these podcasts, so they are already interested in the discussed topics. Being a headliner on one of these informative business shows will give you a way to reach thousands of potential customers in one sweep with no financial burden on you.

The Benefits of Appearing on a Podcast
Being a guest on a popular and respected podcast has numerous benefits, many of which you will find below.

Build Personal Relationships
Since podcasts are more like a conversation, you can easily engage with an interested audience. You will have time to tell them your story and provide details about your expertise. Podcast listeners tend to be loyal to their hosts and respect their content, so you will be considered a reliable source of legal information.

In addition to creating contacts and relationships with listeners, you will also be creating working relationships with the hosts, which may lead to future appearances on their podcasts and/or networking with other podcast hosts, which could increase your exposure. Not only will it help you network with hosts, but you will also network with other lawyers and possibly be able to set up referrals with those contacts.

Being a guest on one podcast allows you to communicate with thousands of listeners and other podcast hosts who want to hear what you have to say. Often, podcast subscribers will share a session with their friends on social media, further enhancing your potential to reach consumers needing your specialized legal expertise.

Generate Targeted Leads and Increase Sales
Since a podcast allows you to present yourself personally, it is an effective marketing tool and can help generate leads. The average length of a podcast is over 40 minutes. This time allows you to present the best of you and your law firm to possible clients. You can make a more memorable impression on potential clients than you are able to with a blog, article, or short website video.

Additionally, podcasts can help generate leads and increase sales by increasing traffic to your website. Links to your website will be provided to subscribers and listeners and included in advertisements. The links will help to draw significant traffic to your website.

Increase Your SEO Ranking
Your guest spot on the podcast will generate traffic to your website via links and advertisements and on the podcast. Additional visitors to your website will influence Google and other search engines to increase your rank.

Your appearance and podcast presentation will help create more relevant and reliable content on your law firm’s website, thus increasing your SEO ranking.

When visitors click to view a podcast embedded in your law firm’s website, they will stay on your page longer, and their dwell time will increase. Longer dwell time often converts to increased SEO ranking.

Being a guest on a podcast will propel your online visibility and draw attention to your law firm. The podcast host may publish your podcast on their site or blog so visitors can view it anytime. The show may be on popular platforms like Spotify, or Apple Podcasts, providing you with an even more noticeable digital presence. All these additional platforms lead to additional linking to your law firm’s site. Sometimes, when a podcast transcript is added to a site, it boosts SEO because it uses relevant keywords and will draw additional visitors and potential customers to your website.

Develop Additional Content Across Multiple Venues
Original blog posts can be written to discuss what you discussed as a podcast guest, and podcast segments can be added to your blogs, adding more pertinent and interesting content to your site. Often, hosts will add videos of podcasts to their media pages. Adding that video to your YouTube page will increase your site’s traffic and rank.

You can use your podcast appearance, and the work or research you’ve done to prepare for the podcast spot will assist you in landing additional relevant legal interviews and articles.

Adding video to your podcast’s audio is another way to add pertinent and engaging content to your website, attracting more visitors. Many podcast hosts publish a video version of the episode to their video media pages. You can do the same by adding the video to your YouTube page.

Podcasts tend to be easily shareable. Sharing your guest appearance on a social media platform will inevitably bring traffic to your website. You can share your podcast appearances by sharing backlinks to online forums, adding part of your podcast to your social media channels, and/or behind-the-scenes pictures. Be sure to tag the host and others you discussed in the podcast.

Digital Marketing Next Steps
Landing a guest spot on a podcast can financially benefit your brand. It is a unique way to generate leads, increase credibility and enhance your digital presence without any costs or time away from your regular practice. Not sure about how you would perform on a podcast? You can always practice what you will say and how you will represent yourself beforehand. An SEO agency can assist you with how to use podcast appearances in a strategic marketing plan for your law firm.

Annette Choti, Esq. graduated from law school 20 years ago, and is the Founder of Law Quill, a legal digital marketing agency focused on small and solo law firms. Annette wrote the bestselling book Click Magnet: The Ultimate Digital Marketing Guide For Law Firms, and hosts the podcast Legal Marketing Lounge. She is a sought-after keynote and CLE speaker throughout the United States and Canada. Annette used to do theatre and professional comedy, which is not so different from the legal field if we are all being honest. Annette can be found on LinkedIn or at at

