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Now That’s What I Call Work Ethic! — See Also
See Also

Now That's What I Call Work Ethic! -- See Also

When Do They Sleep?: This Sullivan & Cromwell partner's billables are double take worthy.

Why Do They Say These Things Out Loud?: People have a lot to say about Presidential Immunity. Not all of it is smart.

How Many Times Did They Lie?: We ran the numbers on some Supreme Court justice under-oath fibbing.

What Are The Most Prestigious Biglaw Firms In Texas?: Read this and find out!

We Still Doing This?: Trump tries to use immunity ruling to sweep a case under the rug.

Cyberinsurance Bedevils Law Firms

Cyberinsurance Bedevils Law Firms

While most lawyers now recognize the need for a cyberinsurance policy, they frequently find themselves balancing the risk of a breach against the cost of the policy.



Morning Docket: 07.02.24
Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 07.02.24

* Trump cites immunity decision in bid to overturn NY conviction claiming that even though the case had nothing to do with any official OR unofficial act as president, the inclusion of evidence dated after taking office was improperly introduced. Because the "evidence" part of that decision is absolutely the worst part of that decision. [Law360]

* Lawyers acquitted in Panama Papers case. [ABC News]

* OSHA will introduce a proposal to deal with heat stress that will then get struck down by the Fifth Circuit redefining the word "safety." [Bloomberg Law News]

* Hunter Biden goes after Fox News... based in part on a revenge porn statute. [Reuters]

* Another law school ranking just dropped. This one focuses on getting paid on the back end. Remember, with our rankings you can adjust the weight of factors yourself. [Forbes]

* Billing 12 hours per day for a year. [ABA Journal]

* Introducing a mental health component to partner compensation. [American Lawyer]

All Of The Republican Justices Aren’t Happy About Jan 6th — See Also
See Also

All Of The Republican Justices Aren’t Happy About Jan 6th -- See Also

Amy Coney Barrett Has Some Choice Words: In short, what happened to textualism?

SCOTUS Clears Up Some Questions About The Monarchy: Sotomayor isn't too happy about the answers. Seal Team 6 is on standby.

Iowa Follows In Alito's Footsteps: Bad news for reproductive freedom.

Check Out Your Student Loan Emails: And remember to thank the 10th Circuit!

Amy Coney Barrett Has Some Choice Words: In short, what happened to textualism?

SCOTUS Clears Up Some Questions About The Monarchy: Sotomayor isn't too happy about the answers -- Seal Team 6 is on standby.

Iowa Follows In Alito's Footsteps: Bad news for reproductive freedom.

Check Out Your Student Loan Emails: And remember to thank the 10th Circuit!

New Judge, Please And Thanks: Judge Glanville halts trial to transfer the case. Finally.