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Morning Docket: 01.17.25
Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 01.17.25

* Ethics rules limit aid L.A. judges can receive if victimized by wildfires. Too bad they aren't Supreme Court justices so rich people could buy them RVs. [Bloomberg Law News]

* Rudy settlement lets him keep BOTH his Manhattan and Florida homes. The message "everything works out if you just show utter contempt for the court long enough" isn't ideal. [Reuters]

* Legal trainee banned from practice after saying she was taking a relative to a hospital appointment, while actually going to court over her refusal to demolish a compound she claimed God commanded her to build.[Roll on Friday]

* Most lawyers aren't really using AI right now. [ABA Journal]

* Another Biglaw China office closes. [American Lawyer]

* Amy Wax goes ahead and files her LOLsuit against Penn alleging that it's "racial discrimination" if she can't repeatedly espouse bigotry against Black and Asian people for years but other faculty aren't punished for talking about Gaza once, which seems a... curious reading of the law. [Daily Pennsylvanian]

* DOJ takes $230 million from American Express. Presumably payable in Travelers' Checks. [Law360]

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