Get The Work

The One Place Where Solos And Small Firms Go To Hire Their Staff — And Hire Often

The struggle is real for those who are looking for a job, but social media platforms offer some hope.

When I wrote about the fourth anniversary of my on-and-off job search last week, I didn’t expect it would be the fifth most-read story of the week.

I usually like to write a follow-up piece when I reach these rare milestones, mainly to keep up the interest. So while last week’s article was a bit of a downer, today’s piece brings some good news to job seekers.

Over the last four years, I noticed a change in how solos and small firms hire their staff. I don’t see many small-firm attorneys putting employment ads in traditional media anymore. And most don’t use recruiters. The consensus seems to be that both are expensive and the value they provide is questionable.

So where do they go?

They go to social media or to their local bar association community groups. Why? Because most lawyers under 45 have a social media account which are connected to various groups. Posting an ad for employment in these places are free and they are usually welcomed. Chances are there will be someone there who is looking for a position.

If you think about it, it’s not that much different from the past. Generally, well-connected people have always asked people they know.

So my advice to you is, join attorney groups on social media platforms like Reddit, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You might be tempted to join as many as you can and that could be a good idea initially. But you should focus primarily on groups that are local and active — meaning that people chat or post information multiple times per day.

Introduce yourself and tell them that you are interested in working for someone. Don’t be shy about this. There is a good chance that you will get an email or a response from someone.

I may be speaking anecdotally, but I noticed that the active groups I participate in are always hiring. For example, the other day, a recent bar admittee announced that she was looking for a job and several attorneys requested that she email them.

I sent my contact info to one of them.

Even if no one is hiring, hopefully a few sympathetic ears can offer leads, advice, and support.

The struggle is real for those who are looking for a job. But for those who want to work for a smaller, more close-knit firm, the firms that are hiring will likely announce their openings to social media groups instead of traditional. Even if you don’t find something initially, it’s a good way to mingle with the locals without having to change out of your pajamas.

Shannon Achimalbe was a former solo practitioner for five years before deciding to sell out and get back on the corporate ladder. Shannon can be reached by email at and via Twitter: @ShanonAchimalbe.

