Andrews Kurth LLP

  • Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 11.16.15

    * Is Andrews Kurth facing a possible mega-malpractice judgment? If you know more, please drop us a line. [MahanyLaw]

    * Elsewhere in Texas, a UT law student stands accused of leading an intimidation campaign against a professor of Israel studies. [Legal Insurrection]

    * Advice from our columnist Keith Lee on how to write an excellent legal memo. [Associate’s Mind]

    * Did Michigan prosecutors pressure the state’s crime lab to falsely classify the origins of THC the lab was testing? [The Intercept]

    * An interview about interviews: Richard Hsu interviews Bryan A. Garner about Professor Garner’s famous series of interviews with Supreme Court justices. [Hsu Untied]

    * Does your employer offer assistance with student loan repayment as an employee benefit — and should it? []

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