Daniel Solove

  • Non-Sequiturs: 02.19.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 02.19.16

    * The cynical reality of the coming constitutional fights. [Eric Posner]

    * It doesn’t look like the Supreme Court will stop North Carolina’s redistricting order. [Politico]

    * Can Chief Justice Roberts save the Court from partisan politics? [New Republic]

    * The First Amendment even applies to lawyers with blogs. [Consumer Law & Policy Blog]

    * The perfect way to make sure you are in compliance with every law and regulation, according to Professors Dan Solove and Woodrow Hartzog. [SSRN]

    * Affluenza teen grows up! Ethan Couch will be tried as an adult. [Gawker]

    * David Lat tells you how to take control of your career. [Legal Talk Network]

  • Associate Bonus Watch 2012, Benchslaps, Bonuses, Canada, Labor / Employment, Media and Journalism, Non-Sequiturs, Privacy, Shameless Plugs

    Non-Sequiturs: 12.04.12

    * Judicial benchslap catfight over administrative orders. Man, I didn’t think I could make the word “catfight” sound so unsexy, but there you go. [The Chief Jester] * Is it a federal crime to read Above the Law at work? If so, download the app. [Workplace Law Prof Blog] * Speaking of apps, te “App from Hell” would be more interesting if it were actually an app. But hiring Professor Dan Solove to teach your colleagues about privacy is still a good idea. [Teach Privacy] * A dean of the University of Ottawa Law School wrote an op-ed defending Canadian law schools (which aren’t even as bad as U.S. law schools). Remember when deans didn’t have to defend law schools because there were “jobs” for “new attorneys”? [Canadian Lawyer] * Here’s an article about Formula 1 racing that you don’t need Google translator to read. [Dealbook] * Bonus podcast! I mean, Lat did a podcast with the ABA Journal about bonuses, not that there’s a podcast you can listen to in order to get a bonus. [ABA Journal] * Bonus Lat! I mean, here’s a story about David Lat and the changing coverage of law firms and the legal profession. [Details]
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