David Powers
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 08.31.15
* Good news if you’ve made it to midlevel associate — survey says you’re happier than ever. [American Lawyer]
* Amal Clooney lost a case in Egypt, her client was one of three Al-Jazeera journalists sentenced to prison for their coverage of the 2013 uprising. Clooney warned the sentence sends a “dangerous message.” [People]
* More and more Pennsylvania firms are getting on-board with the $160k pay scale. [Legal Intelligencer]
* Chalk another victory up for the Amazing Schneiderman — that’s New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. This time, retail giant Gap Inc. has fallen in line. [Fashionista]
* A happy ending for David Powers, whose admission to St. John’s Law was revoked after officials there found out about a drug conviction. He’s starting at Pace Law today. [New York Times]
* When a client announces a new general counsel, law firms should consider that a wake-up call — or get fired. [Corporate Counsel]
* In truly horrific news, two Indian sisters were sentenced to be gang raped as punishment for their brother eloping with a woman of a different caste. The (hopefully) good news is the women have appealed to the Indian Supreme Court for protection. [Jezebel]
* What do in-house counsel need to know about the recent NLRB decision expanding the concept of joint-employers? [Law360]
Non-Sequiturs: 04.02.15
* We’ve seen the future and it’s drones shoving commercialism down your throats 24/7. Get ready America! [DigiDay]
* Federal judge mistaken for a maid because she’s black and everything is awful all the time. [South Florida Lawyers]
* While everyone focuses on the Supreme Court, the fight for marriage equality is still raging in the state courts. [Huffington Post]
* Yesterday marked the 45th anniversary of Attorney General Robert H. Jackson’s “The Federal Prosecutor” speech. Among many quotable admonitions against prosecutorial abuse: “While the prosecutor at his best is one of the most beneficent forces in our society, when he acts from malice or other base motives, he is one of the worst.” Perhaps he shouldn’t have given this speech on April Fools’ Day. [John Q. Barrett]
* The New York Court of Appeals has upheld St. John’s Law’s decision to rescind the admission of a student who admitted that he’d pleaded guilty to possession because he’d been arrested for intent to distribute. But only after taking three semesters worth of his money of course. [Legal Profession Blog]
* A law professor invites colleagues to break the mold of legal scholarship to build a “more authentic ethos.” In entirely related news, congratulations on tenure. [TaxProf Blog]
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Luxury, Lies, And A $10 Million Embezzlement
In a scandal that rocked the business community, a former high-profile executive was sentenced to prison, plus five years of supervised release and restitution. -
Fashion, Fashion Is Fun
Sharing Ties: It's Not Just For Homeless People Anymore
Two lawyers are trying to bring the concept of shared clothing to upper middle class men. Women already have places where they can "rent" accessories, but now men have a website that allows them to rent ties. Well, not directly "rent," that probably sounds too low class, like you could also put the tie on layaway. Instead, you buy a subscription, and they send you ties. It's like Netflix! Only, don't get coffee or anything on your loaned Fendi....