Federal Aviation Administration

  • Cellphones, Layoffs, Michael Jackson, Movies, Non-Sequiturs, Politics, Staff Layoffs, Technology, Trials

    Non-Sequiturs: 06.21.23

    * I would totally go see “Jaws 2013: Lawyers On The Beach.” [The Legal Geeks] * Downey Brand laid off support staff this week. Man, I thought that laundry detergent was recession-proof… oh, wait, I’m being told that Downey Brand is law firm, a very well-scented law firm. [ABA Journal] * Sleep expert testifies in Michael Jackson case. Keeps jurors awake! [Expert Witness Blog] * It’s illegal to burn you ex’s clothes? Bah. Next you’re going to tell me you can’t set fire to his car. [Legal Juice] * Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance’s inability to prosecute his political rivals makes it harder for him to do whatever he wants by threatening his political rivals with prosecution. That’s not exactly a bad thing. [Simple Justice] * Oh look, the FAA might finally acknowledge that making people turn off their electronic devices during takeoff and landing is a stupid rule that has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on flight safety. [Wall Street Journal]
  • Airplanes / Aviation, Cellphones, Rudeness, Technology, Travel / Vacation

    Why I Refuse to Turn Off My iPod for Takeoff and Landing

    Like he does every time he gets on a plane, Chris Danzig took off his headphones until the flight attendant walked away. Then he put them back on. He also never turned off his cell phone or put it in airplane mode. You probably know this is not allowed. Airplane passengers are supposed to turn off all electronic devices for takeoff and landing. But WHY?
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