Josh Duggar

  • Non-Sequiturs: 08.05.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 08.05.16

    * Josh Duggar’s problems continue: he is being sued by the guy whose pic he used in his Ashley Madison profile. [Jezebel]

    * Republican statehouses have been doing what they can to make Chief Justice John Roberts look dumb. [Lawyers, Guns and Money]

    * Zika might be changing American opinions on abortion. [Slate]

    * Olympic scandal! Moroccan Olympic boxer arrested for sexual assault. [Huffington Post]

    * NRA v. Police: Why open carry laws make policing difficult. [Salon]

  • Non-Sequiturs: 01.12.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 01.12.16

    * Even at a conference, Judge Easterbrook can be intimidating. [Business Law Prof Blog]

    * Boeing filed a patent to make air travel slight less hellish. Good luck with that. [Travel and Leisure]

    * Judge plans to stick Ammon Bundy’s merry band of militia men playing terrorist out in the woods with the bill for their security… to the tune of $70,000 a day. [Raw Story]

    * Josh Duggar is such a loser he is even losing discovery battles like a pro. [Radar]

    * Lawyer Eric Macleish played a role in the legal battles over child abuse by Catholic priests in Boston (as recounted in the movie Spotlight). Whether he was a villain or victim in the saga is still up for debate. [Guile is Good]

    * Is it possibly true that you can really discharge student loan debt in bankruptcy? [My Bank Tracker]

    * If you’re goofing off by pretending to work from home, don’t give yourself away. [Daily Lawyer Tips]

  • Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 08.27.15

    * Folks may argue over whether the Iran deal is a good idea, but one “citizen-lawyer” has taken to court to prove it is unconstitutional… but does that argument hold any weight? [Constitution Center]

    * An Arkansas law firm is offering to represent Anna Duggar — pro bono — should she ever decide to divorce her husband, Josh Duggar, after his very public cheating scandal. Which is good, since you know Jim Bob is never going to let Anna see any of that rapidly vanishing TV money. [THV11]

    * What are the 5 best Halloween costumes for law students/lawyers? The real key to nailing number 5 is the bangs. [Law and More]

    * At last, some cold hard evidence that the nation’s fever dream — the one where Donald Trump is the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination — might be ending. [New York Times]

    * How do you deal when you’re assigned to work with a real prick who always has to be right? [Attorney at Work]

    * You guys, the intellectual property regime in this country is definitely broken, but at least it isn’t so bad that a man can copyright a chicken sandwich. [Washington Post]

    * In unsurprising news, George Zimmerman had some pretty disgusting things to say about the deaths of Alison Parker and Adam Ward. [Salon]

  • Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 08.20.15

    * Out of Germany comes news of a real tragedy — spoiled beer. [Legal Juice]

    * Justice Sonia Sotomayor got a pretty bad-ass tribute in the form of a graffiti mural, unveiled in the Bronx. [Colorlines]

    * A look at how voter suppression efforts have morphed with the times. [Washington Post]

    * Don’t feel bad about your Josh Duggar/Ashley Madison schadenfreude. [Lawyers, Guns & Money]

    * Want to waste some time? Take this fun quiz matching quotes to the lawyers that said them. [Suited Gladiators]

    * A lesson in how not to deal with a government investigation, courtesy of the American Red Cross. [Cady Bar The Door]

    * George Washington would be embarrassed to hear today’s candidates’ take on torture. And so would the rest of the founding fathers, ya know, if they were zombies. [Lowering the Bar]

    * We’re about to announce the finalists for our Summer Associate Event Contest — so if you have a nomination, send it to us ASAP! [Above the Law]

  • Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 05.27.15

    * You down with R.B.G.? Yeah, you know me! Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore wants SCOTUS Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan to be impeached for having performed same-sex marriage ceremonies. Haters gonna hate. [Huffington Post]

    * Here’s a jury duty chart of those you’ll be forced to sit next to, from the “idiot who treats the Jury Foreman selection like a presidential campaign” to the “elderly woman who compares everything to an episode of ‘Matlock’ she once saw.” [Mandatory]

    * It turns out that the state trooper who failed to do anything about Josh Duggar’s criminal sexual activity with a minor and allowed the statute of limitations to run had a penchant for child porn. According to court records, this guy is… pretty damn disgusting. [Jezebel]

    * “May I please have some of that money you’ve got under the counter there, miss?” Are you really robbing a bank if you acted like a Boy Scout, asked nicely for money, and then received it — to the tune of $28,000? Kevin Underhill doesn’t think so. [Lowering the Bar]

    * If you’ve never seen a Dealbreaker dramatic reading before, then here’s your sneak peek. Watch “the greatest intern Wall Street has ever seen” invite everyone and their mother to a party via company email, and then fail in the most epic sense of the word. [Dealbreaker]