Maura R. Grossman
Conferences / Symposia, Technology
The Circuit: Back To School
Technology columnist Monica Bay's monthly round-up of upcoming events -- with some decidedly cranky commentary. -
Non-Sequiturs: 07.14.16
* Some thoughts from Brad Smith, president and chief legal officer of Microsoft, on his company’s big win before the Second Circuit. [On the Issues]
* Before the Second Circuit, Microsoft enjoyed a lot of support from amici — which can make a difference before the U.S. Supreme Court, according to this analysis by Adam Feldman. [Empirical SCOTUS]
* Nell Minow, the corporate governance guru (and sister of Harvard Law Dean Martha Minow), has some assigned reading for America’s politicians: Professor William Birdthistle’s Empire of the Fund: The Way We Save Now (affiliate link). [Huffington Post]
* My former colleague Maura Grossman, ediscovery queen of Wachtell Lipton, has left the firm to open her own consulting practice and serve as a research professor. [Am Law Daily]
* Social media for lawyers: it’s all fun and games until someone loses their good reputation. [Reboot Your Law Practice]
* If you are a lawyer between 24 and 49 who’s currently working in the northeast, a Ph.D. student would like to talk to you about debt (which you most likely have lots of — although none is needed to participate in the study). [Abby Stivers]
* A final reminder for our L.A. readers that the law firm battle of the bands is taking place tonight — so come out to support a good cause (and have a great time)! [Family Violence Appellate Project]
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Law Firm Business Development Is More Than Relationship Building
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Conferences / Symposia, Contract Attorneys, Document Review, Federal Judges, S.D.N.Y., Technology
Live at LegalTech: That's a Wrap, But the Predictive Coding Debate Is Only Heating up
LegalTech New York finished up earlier this week. I survived with only a minor case of technology loop, although my iPhone was begging for mercy by the end. The conference was frenetic, to say the least. There was a lot going on, regarding a cornucopia of technological topics and tools to help lawyers. As expected, […]
Conferences / Symposia, Document Review, Federal Judges, Quote of the Day, S.D.N.Y., Technology
Quote of the Day: Keyword Searching? You're Doing It Wrong
Keyword searching is absolutely terrible, in terms of statistical responsiveness. — Magistrate Judge Andrew Peck (S.D.N.Y.), in a panel today at the LegalTech conference. He spoke alongside Wachtell Lipton counsel Maura Grossman and Jackson Lewis partner Ralph Losey, on a panel that aimed to demystify cutting-edge, computer-assisted e-discovery technology. Peck is a vocal proponent of […]