Peña-Rodriguez v. Colorado

  • Non-Sequiturs: 10.13.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 10.13.16

    * Workplace safety — especially when it deals with beloved actor Harrison Ford — is no laughing matter. And a Disney subsidiary is paying ~$2 million as a result. [io9]

    * A look at the oral argument in Peña-Rodriguez v. Colorado. [Slate]

    * This whole “publicly traded company” thing isn’t working out so great for Slater & Gordon. [Law and More]

    * A new summons for Governor Chris Christie over Bridgegate. [Huffington Post]

    * Despite SCOTUS ruling, there haven’t been many Hobby Lobby copycats. [Politico]

    * Copyright suit over the classic “Who’s On First” routine stays dead. [Hollywood Reporter]

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