Police Brutality

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 04.11.22

* Habeas Corpus? Discarded body determined to be a thrown-out sex toy. These things are really getting realistic. I hear... [Region News Source] * COVID made the takings clause relevant again. What's next, the Third? [Reason] * During the Judge Jackson confirmation, several Republicans accused Democrats as being the party of pedophiles. Projection, maybe? [Slate] * Remember that viral video of police officers busting a 75-year-old man's head open last year? Turns out nothing wrong happened. [CBC.ca] * Amazon pushes back against unionization, alleging that voters were bribed with marijuana. Is this why the plant isn't legalized federally? [Business Insider]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 04.04.22

* Two Americas: Legal battles are making for radically different living experiences state by state. [NYT] * Too little, too late? New federal anti-lynching law may not be enough of a deterrent. [NPR] * Florida has been trying to make the most of the whole 1965 Voting Rights Act being gutted and all. [NYT] * Trump’s Twitter emulator is failing bigly. Hard to speak freely with bad coders. [BBC] * All good boys protect and serve: Officer attacking a teenager bitten by K-9. [YouTube]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 03.29.22

* Two Wills passing in the night: The 2022 version of Raffles v. Wichelhaus just dropped. [Fox Baltimore] * No one is safe from this "soul grabbing" police officer — not even his colleagues. [Daily Mail] * You down with PPP? Every last homie, apparently. [NBC News] * The Justice formerly known for not speaking is still in the hot seat. I know there's no Supreme Court binding code of ethics that would mandate recusal, but come on now... [FFRF] * What's a little crime between patriots? Judge thinks Trump probably committed a crime, with what the whole not respecting the democratic election process and all. [NPR]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 08.26.21

* Fourth Circuit upholds terrorist's death sentence. [APNews] *Cop bludgeons man 18 times with metal flashlight. How is this protecting or serving? [NPR] * Turns out the class of 2020 is doing okay. Does this mean they can cover their friend's bar tabs? If I'm their friend, I hope so. [Reuters] * Heads up, the Paralympics are still in session! Still in awe of Matt Simpson's work-life balance. And congrats to Piers Gilliver on winning gold in wheelchair fencing! Keep up to date here. [Twitter] * Give me liberty or I'll give you briefs!: Father strips down to his boxers to make a point about school mask mandates. [TampaFP]