Rand Paul


Non-Sequiturs: 01.31.13

* Rand Paul “doesn’t really understand” gay marriage. Let me help him out: it’s something that’s none of the government’s business. HTFH. [Huffington Post] * “Just how crippled is the legal job market? Utterly.” The Atlantic added value to the deceasing law school application story that the New York Times just repacked without linking to anybody. [Atlantic Wire] * I can see how Budweiser buying Modelo raises antitrust concerns. But since it’s a potential monopoly over “crappy beer,” I don’t really care. [Dealbook] * Sorry, but I don’t see Manti Te’o suing his gay lover mean persecutor, Ronaiah Tuiasosopo. [The Volokh Conspiracy] * If Hitler got royalties. [The Schwartz Report] * The man suspected of shooting Arizona attorney Mark P. Hummels has been found dead. And after earlier optimism, Hummels is now not expected to survive. [ABA Journal]