Crime, Media and Journalism, New York Times, Technology
New York Times Has No Idea Reporter Broke A Law By Using Someone Else's 'HBO Go' Password
But which law? Here's a hint: it's the same one public document hacker Aaron Swartz allegedly violated. -
Antonin Scalia, Law Professors, Law Schools, Sex
Same-Sex Dorms: The Cure For Pre-Marital Sex OR The Dumbest Controversy This Month?
Speaking at Duquesne University School of Law, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports that Antonin Scalia said: "I hope this place will not yield -- as some Catholic institutions have -- to this politically correct insistence upon suppression of moral judgment, to this distorted view of what diversity in America means." Apparently, this was Scalia's way of supporting Catholic University's same-sex dormitories. Because really, with all of the problems with our system of higher education, it's whether or not boys and girls reside in the same physical building that's the pressing issue worthy of supreme comment....
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