
  • Morning Docket: 08.10.20
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 08.10.20

    * TikTok is allegedly preparing to sue the Trump Administration over an order that may force the company to leave United States markets. If given permission, TikTok can likely serve process in some really creative ways… [Verge]

    * A lawyer behind a lawsuit aimed at overturning California’s school closure order says that closing schools impacts fundamental rights and violates equal protection. [Fox News]

    * The Attorney General of Texas welcomed the National Rifle Association to the Lone Star State after the New York Attorney General filed a lawsuit to dissolve the group. [New York Post]

    * A Fort Worth, Texas, attorney is walking to the governor’s mansion in Austin in order to bring attention to police reform. [Fox News]

    * Lawyers for Jussie Smollett claim that a recording proves that key witnesses in the case were coached by prosecutors into conveying a narrative to avoid prosecution. [Chicago Tribune]

    * A New York landowner is suing a landscaper for $355,000 for allegedly destroying a tree. Maybe money grew on it? [Advance Media]

  • Morning Docket: 08.05.20
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 08.05.20

    * A Chicago lawyer featured on the Netflix show Indian Matchmaking is facing a tough adjustment after experiencing the fame of being on the show. This series keeps showing up on my queue… [Chicago Sun Times]

    * The Los Angeles District Attorney’s husband will face charges for waiving a gun at protesters near his home. [Hill]

    * A new lawsuit is demanding that White House briefings have sign language interpreters. [New York Times]

    * The American Bar Association has voted on a set of best practices for third-party litigation funding. That sentence may sound boring, but the implications are profound. [American Lawyer]

    * A new class-action lawsuit claims that the popular app TikTok steals consumer data and sends it to China. [NPR]

    * Check out this story of a lawyer who paid off $200,000 in student loans in two years. Man, she beat me by 22 months, hope she doesn’t start a blog… [Business Insider]

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