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    Non-Sequiturs: 05.01.14

    * Are you a judge or former judge interested in being on television? All you have to do is move into some quasi-Survivor commune. Who would be the best jurist to send out there? I’d say Thomas so he can just stare at everyone silently and offer no assistance. [LawSites Blog] * Law students fight to get an immigrant lawyer admitted to the bar over 100 years later. Just what California needs. Another lawyer. [UC Davis News & Information] * Speaking of California needing more lawyers, California law schools are reaching out to community colleges to find students who saved on their undergraduate education and might be willing to start taking on some serious debt. [SF Gate] * The State of Texas has intervened in a legal brawl between two breweries over the use of the Alamo. One more liberal government trying to take over the free market. [Brewery Law Blog] * Professor John Banzhaf has an interesting suggestion regarding the death penalty: why are we still using injections anyway? [PR Log] * Most people shouldn't sue just because they can: a commentary on Alex Rich's recent piece. [Law and More] * More feedback on the ATL Top 50. [Most Strongly Supported] * “Tacoma needs a law school like I need a hole in the head.” Exactly. [Post Defiance] * The South Carolina Commission on Higher Education took a big step toward invalidating their own name by approving the sale of Charleston to Infilaw. By the way for comedy's sake, attached below is a screenshot of the Google News alert I got on this story.... [The State] Nothing says Infilaw more than marrying the story to a picture LITERALLY about whoring.
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