Voting Rights


Morning Docket: 12.07.22

* It'll be easier to evaluate the medicinal properties of marijuana soon? Sounds dope! [Financial Reg News] * I know they can be attacked, but should cops be considered victims under Marsy's Law? [WTSP] * Let's see if this whole "representative democracy" thing really holds up under pressure. [NBC News] * Do you have a right to counsel? Yes. Would be nice to know why though. [BCTV]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 07.01.22

* Requiem for the Vote: The Six Christians of the United States (SCOTUS) are slated to hear a case on voting rights next term. [CNN] * It's the first of the month — here's what's new in Virginia. [WTOP] * "Don't Say Gay" just took effect in Florida. [The Hill] * NJ's limit on gun ammo capacity is probably about to go the way of the Establishment Clause. [New Jersey Monitor] * In today's episode of anti-CRT: Chattel slavery was just an involuntary relocation. [AP]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 12.29.21

* A working-from-home benefit is that you can keep an eye on your young ones. Better than having Alexa doing the babysitting. [Business Insider] * Louisiana doctors will be prescribing flower come Jan 1. Gotta get greens in your diet somehow. [KALB] * Keeping tabs on liberty can be difficult. Here’s a summary of voting rights and voting wrongs that will color 2022. [NYT] * In New Jersey, a mom’s sentence for killing her son was overturned after judges ruled the jury had no idea what the hell they were doing. [NBC] * Arizona legal paraprofessionals are on the way to do good work at more affordable rates. Talk about raising the bar. [Santa Fe New Mexican]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 01.11.19

* Divorce lawyer lays out how this Jeff Bezos divorce will go down. [VICE] * Michael Cohen is going to testify to Congress, so that's a new circus to look forward to. [CNBC] * Florida's newly passed law allowing felons to vote after they've served their sentence may have an exploitable flaw. A former Florida Supreme Court justice notes that the law requires the potential voter to satisfy their complete sentence, which might include fines or restitution payments that no one ever expects the convict to pay off. Retired Justice James E.C. Perry says that makes this "akin to a poll tax." This is why Florida can't have nice things. [ABC Action News] * For those unfamiliar with "Ag-Gag" legislation, it's a family of lobbyist concocted laws that ban environmentalists and animal rights activists from reporting on conditions in factory farms. If that sounds like a First Amendment violation to you, a federal court in Iowa agrees. [NPR] * Vegas investigators want Ronaldo's DNA in a rape case. [Fox News] * The Russian government is demanding answers to why Natalia Veselnitskaya has been charged. Not sure they realize that their agitation only suggests Mueller's right. [Reuters]