Workplace Safety

  • Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 12.10.15

    * Sure you’ve read the lawyer holiday gift guide, but what about stocking stuffers? [Goodreads]

    * Yeah… Abigail Fisher shouldn’t be angry at affirmative action. But she seems pretty petty, so par for the course. [Black Debate Guy]

    * You want responsibility in politics? Well, we’ve got some right here. Wendy Davis owns up to backing down on gun laws. [Politico]

    * Do you spy any of these efficiency killers at your firm? [Attorney at Work]

    * This’d be a different way to deal — make workplace safety violations felonies. [Lawyers, Guns and Money]

    * A resource guide for getting through the holidays for lawyers with depression. [The Anxious Lawyer]

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