Above the Law Lawyers of the Day: Kirk McCormick and James Murphy

Thanks to all of you who are already sending in tips to our inbox. Keep it up! The good-natured fun of ATL isn’t possible without your help. So go ahead, email us something interesting or amusing.
One of you kindly drew our attention to this lawyer advertisement, which is our basis for awarding Colorado Springs plaintiffs’ lawyers Kirk McCormick and James Murphy our coveted Lawyer of the Day prize.
It seems like the advertisment has been around for a while. But we haven’t seen or read about it before today, so we’ll pass it along to you (via parenthetical statement):

Tony Sciascia of Parenthetical Statement is offended:

I saw this print advertisement for lawyers in a Colorado Springs phone book. It immediately made my mouth agape, shocked and horrified by either such bigotry or such blatant pandering to the Focus on the Family geared residents of the Springs.

What do you think? Is this legal? Is it ethical? Perhaps not — but even if it’s neither of those, it’s certainly tacky and speaks volumes of the persons who would create such divisive, insulting advertising.

We’re less upset. We wouldn’t want to be represented by you anyway, McCormick & Murphy.
For personal injury work, we hire only Jews.*
jesus saves [parenthetical statement]
McCormick & Murphy, PC [actually, not very “PC” at all]
* The same goes for M&A work. (Disclosure: We used to work here.)
