What's a Little Kiddie Porn Between Friends?

We’ve already named William DiSalvatore our Lawyer of the Day, so that award is off the table. But if DiSalvatore hadn’t already grabbed the laurels, Kweku Hanson, of Hartford, Connecticut, would have been a deserving winner. Here’s why:

Sexual assault and child pornography charges pending against Hartford attorney Kweku J. Hanson aren’t enough to warrant the interim suspension of his law license. At least not in Hartford Superior Court Judge Lois B. Tanzer’s view.

Okay, fine, Hanson has only been charged, not convicted. Innocent until proven guilty, blah blah blah. But we couldn’t help noticing certain salacious details. Check ’em out, after the jump.

It sounds like Hanson’s suspension hearing was quite an interesting affair:

The hearing included some bizarre moments in which Hanson, who is married with a son, described his affinity for video cameras, which he uses not only to tape everyday occurrences but also for any sexual encounters, he said. The videos serve as insurance against any concocted rape allegations, he maintained. “I say to people, ‘Hey, this is the deal. I’m going to videotape you,'” Hanson testified. “And I tell people exactly why.”

One videotape specifically led to charges of possession of child pornography against him after Hanson reported his camera stolen last August and police recovered it only to find a video of Hanson and the teenage girl having sex on his office floor.

Right now you’re probably thinking, “What an idiot!” But not so fast. Check this out:

Hanson testified to having two sexual encounters with the girl on June 21, 2005 — which was both her 16th birthday and the day she was released from juvenile detention – and in August of that same summer. Both encounters were videotaped, Hanson said.


Nice work, Kweku. It was very lawyerly of you to wait until her 16th birthday — the age of consent in Connecticut — to bang her. And then, to rub the law’s face in it, you did the girl twice that day. And recorded it, presumably with a time-stamped videotape, so there would be evidence of your compliance with the law.
If nothing else, Mr. Hanson, you are clearly a very talented attorney.
No Suspension for Metro Attorney Charged With Sexual Assault, Child Pornography [Connecticut Law Tribune]
