Cardozo Law Student Waxes On About Whacking Off

Here’s an interesting story about Christopher Migliaccio, a Cardozo Law School student currently running for New York State Assembly — on a rather unorthodox platform. From the New York Daily News (which placed a hidden pun in their lede, which we made not-so-hidden in titling this post):

It’s not often you hear a political candidate wax poetic about the benefits of masturbation. It’s rarer still when that person is running on the Republican and Conservative party lines.

A video making the rounds on the Internet shows Chris Migliaccio, a 23-year-old Assembly hopeful from Flushing, Queens, arguing that masturbation should be part of the sex-education curriculum.

“You are less stressed and a generally happy person and less aggressive when you masturbate on some sort of regular basis,” Migliaccio, clad in a black shirt and a white tie, told a group at a Smith College meeting of the American Parliamentary Debate Association late last month, drawing approving thumps on the tables.

Ah yes, banging the old gavel (which needs to be added to this list). But doesn’t it make you go blind? Or at least reduce your athletic performance?
An adviser to Ellen Young, Migliaccio’s opponent in the election, issued this spunky response:

“We all agree that Flushing needs a hands-on legislator, but clearly this is taking it way too far,” said Young adviser Evan Stavisky. “Thankfully, we have yet to see him shaking hands on the campaign trail.”

Ick. Actually, double ick. As Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg knows all too well, from her recent trip to the opera: “Life is messy, like masturbation.”
You can watch a video clip of Migliaccio’s speech over at Ben Smith’s Daily Politics. We didn’t have the patience to sit through the entire thing, since it appeared that it was all talk and no action. If you watch it and find anything juicy, let us know.
But based on Migliaccio’s quasi-spastic hand gestures, he seems to be full of nervous energy. Perhaps he’s not practicing what he preaches?
GOP Candidate’s Hands-On Politics [New York Daily News]
A Daily Politics Endorsement: Chris Migliaccio [The Daily Politics]
