Please Stop Forwarding the Gallion & Spielvogel Link To All Your Friends, While Laughing Your Ass Off

Sadly, it appears that hordes of Above the Law readers may have taken down Gallion & Spielvogel’s exceedingly prestigious, highly coveted server:

This is shocking. The server in question, which has handled all numbers of site visitors in the past, is a top-of-the-line piece of equipment. It was purchased — secondhand, but in near-mint condition — from the extremely respected IT department of the deeply esteemed, highly international law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell.
P.S. Yeah, we know — pot, kettle, etc. We are the LAST people in the world who should be making fun of crappy servers.
Gallion & Spielvogel [official (and highly mortifying) firm website, via]
ATL reader comments on the Gallion & Spielvogel website (scroll down)
Earlier: Charney v. Sullivan & Cromwell: Now Everybody Gets To Bend Over!
