Skaddenfreude: White & Case Weighs In

Congratulations to Emily Pataki. It appears that her employer, White & Case, is raising base salaries for its associates. Here’s the memo:
Date: January 25, 2007
To: All New York Associates
From: David N. Koschik
Re: Salary Increases
I am pleased to announce that effective January 1, 2007 the base salaries for New York associates in the following classes will be increased as follows:
Class / 2007 Base Salary
2006 $160,000
2005 $170,000
2004 $185,000
2003 $210,000
2002 $230,000
2001 $250,000
2000 $265,000
1999 $280,000
Increases for associates in the class of 1998 and senior will be determined on an individual basis. All increases, including the retroactive portion to the beginning of the year, will be reflected in your February 14 paycheck. On behalf of the Firm, I would like to personally thank you for all of your dedication and hard work.
cc: New York Partners
