Gallion & Spielvogel: We Are Not Worthy

Apparently our IP address is insufficiently prestigious to access their website,

Messrs. Gallion & Spielvogel, we have a message for you. You style yourselves “barristers,” even though you went to U.S. law schools — Georgetown (Gallion) and U. Penn (Spielvogel) — and have no apparent barristers’ qualifications. Your lengthy and self-aggrandizing bios disclose no Inn of Court training nor pupillage experience. This is highly dubious (and questionable as a form of lawyer advertising).
So here’s what we have to say to you:

Gentlemen, we went to law school with barristers. We have blogged alongside barristers. Barristers are our friends. And you, gentlemen, are no barristers.

You are just two litigators. In Long Island.
