Skaddenfreude: More on Seyfarth Shaw; Open Thread

We have to step away for a bit. In the meantime, here’s an open thread to talk about a topic that never gets tired: associate compensation.
We can’t keep track of the different “lists of shame” that have been developed. But if you can, please propound them in the comments.
To provide some fodder for additional discussion, we reprint an interesting email from a tipster about Seyfarth Shaw. Check it out, after the jump.

The last time we posted about Seyfarth Shaw, we were treated to a feast of catty comments. We hope to enjoy a similar bounty this time around.
Here’s the email:

Seyfarth Shaw had their all-associates meeting [on Tuesday]. They were told that the executive committee had to discuss further how they would handle matching the other firms. Says one partner, “We don’t follow all the other firms over the cliff like lemmings. We wait, think about it, discuss, and then jump off the cliff.”

Currently, they plan to hold focus groups with the associates and will readdress compensation issues at the next EC meeting. In April. Right. Like any associate with a mind to make partner would even consider being the squeaky wheel at one of these focus groups. How many other firms take 1/3 of the year to make a compensation decision that should have been made in December or January?

Focus groups? You’ve got to be kidding. Are you running a law firm, or marketing detergent?
Focus on this, Seyfarth partners: your associates want more money. That’s all.
Earlier: Skaddenfreude: Seyfarth Shaw Makes Itself At Home on the List of Shame
