Nationwide Pay Raise Watch: Baker Botts Raises in DC

From a verified source in the Washington office of Baker Botts:

Today, Baker Botts DC’s associates started receiving raise notices in the mail. They all appear to match the “real” DC market, not this V&E crap. Retroactive to July 1.

The notices only refer to the recipient’s salary; there isn’t a formal memo outlining all salaries, at least not one that I’ve seen yet.

So… What about Baker Botts back in Texas? Our Baker-DC source said:

I’ve heard nothing so far. The firm switched to the no-summary-memo trend after your site got popular. Coincidence? I doubt it.

If you have information about whether Baker Botts has raised base salaries for its Texas associates, please email us (subject line: “Baker Botts”). Thanks.
Update (6 PM): Apparently Baker Botts associates in Dallas have NOT yet received memos about raises.
Earlier: Nationwide Pay Raise Watch: Texans Fill Their Ten Gallon Hats With Cash
Nationwide Pay Raise Watch: Is Texas Biglaw Raising — Finally?
