What's Your Favorite Law Blog?

Hey look! Nominations are now being accepted for Best Law Blog.
We have shame enough not to nominate ATL. But not enough to express the hope that someone else might — before Monday, when the nomination process closes.
Hope you’re having a great weekend!
Update: Thanks for the nomination! You can second the nomination by clicking on the little plus sign.
Best Law Blog [The 2007 Weblog Awards via How Appealing]
Most Popular Law Blogs [Blawg Review]
P.S. Also, thanks to everyone who responded to our last shameless plug. Because of your generosity, we’re now just $45 short of our fundraising goal for the New York City marathon. See here.
(Before the shameless plug, we were $725 shy of the mark. So thanks, ATL readers, for joining the fight against cancer!)
